Numbers 10 to 20

The Ten Town TV Studios

Take a tour of the Ten Town Studios, home to the famous Tia Ten Show! In each episode, Tia Ten invites one of her friends onto the show to prepare a meal for a special banquet.

As well as creating a new number, each episode also introduces a different maths topic including measuring, time and estimating. When the user clicks on one of the studios, this takes them to a range of exciting of activities for this number.

The 10-20 Map

Fun Activities

Each number is made up of collections of fun and engaging activities.
Check out some of the examples below.


Each episode of the Tia Ten Show introduces a new number with the emphasis on number value and placement.

guitar music icon


Tia Ten and her house band, The Cookettes, perform a song to recap what has been learnt in the episode.


Each episode features a game that relates to the featured maths topic, including weighing, measuring, time and money.

Interactive Shows

The interactive show brings together all the individual elements, so that the game is played within the episode.

Crowning Glory

As a child works their ways around the studios they can earn rewards. By completing an activity, they gain a star. Then when they have finished all the activities for a number, they win a badge.

Finally, when they have completed their tour of the studios, their avatar is rewarded with a crown!

The Ten Town TV Studios

Discover Numbers 0-10

Children will love to explore the island of Ten Town, where they can work there way through a wide range of activities for each number.

Available for school and home use

For Schools

Designed for schools of all sizes.

For Home

Designed for parents to use with their children.

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Ten Town has a flexible subscription model that is tailored to your specific needs.